Dungeons & Dragons

Some ideas for mini-campaigns, items, characters, etc...


Mini-campaign: Hunting the Boogeyman

A small village has a local legend about an old man that steals ill-mannered children. For some yet-to-define reason, the boogeyman becomes active and starts snatching children. Maybe he lives in an abandoned house and children that enter that house don't come out? Maybe something disturbed his rest and now he takes children to the sewers? Who knows. Personally the haunted house is the idea that I like the most.

Scope of the adventure
This is something meant for 1-3 seessions. Ideally it involves some investigation regarding the Boogeyman's capabilities, behaviours, and any other tidbit that may help our heroes defeat the creature. The locals know the legend, others may know rumors about it. Some may have useful items for fighting him, other might want to scam the party for some quick gold.